AI comes to my web site – meet Tonybots

Tony Bates hat in den vergangenen Jahren über 2.700 Artikel über Bildungsthemen („posts on online and distance learning“) geschrieben. Jetzt hat er einen Chatbot („Tonybots“) für seine Website entwickelt. Man kann ihm Fragen stellen, und der Chatbot setzt aus den Beiträgen von Tony Bates eine Antwort zusammen. Tony Bates ist durchaus beeindruckt von der Qualität der Antworten.

„I have to say I was impressed. These responses are a pretty good summary of my views and thoughts on these topics. However, they still need to be contextualised, that is, applied within a specific institutional or teaching context, and more specific conclusions or recommendations would be drawn if I was acting as a consultant, for instance.
I think it’s fair to say that this use of AI is fine for looking backwards, and that is useful, but it is not so helpful for looking forwards. But then you need to base future decisions on past knowledge, at least to some extent. So yeah, as Tonybots said, it’s rather a complex issue with many factors to consider.“
Tony Bates, Online Learning and Distance Education Resources, 21. November 2023

Bildquelle: Tony Bates