What’s Really to Blame for the Failures of Our Learning-Management Systems

Gibt es eigentlich eine Saison für Learning Management Systeme? Donald Clark hatte kürzlich geschrieben (”The LMS is dead, long live the LMS! (10 pros & 10 cons”). Und auch Michael Feldstein nimmt das Thema auf. Er geht auf einige Merkwürdigkeiten in Auswahlprozessen ein. Unterhaltsam geschrieben und sicher nicht nur für Hochschulen mit Wiedererkennungswert.

“In a typical LMS selection, the person managing the process will start by convening a selection committee and gathering input. The initial feedback from the committee looks something like this:

– Professor John proclaims that he spent the last five years figuring out how to get his Blackboard course the way he likes it. He is not moving to another LMS unless it works exactly the same as Blackboard.
– Professor Jane says that she hates Blackboard, would never use it, and runs her own Moodle installation off of her computer at home. She will not move to another LMS unless it works exactly the same as Moodle.
– Professor Pat doesn’t have strong opinions about any one system over the others. But there are three features in Canvas that must be in whatever platform they choose.”

Michael Feldstein, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 8. März 2016